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Made With Care

The Made With Care shop is composed of products that are made of at least 50% independently certified organic, recycled or innovative materials, and for which manufacturers in risk countries have agreed to social audits that evaluate working conditions.

Made With CareWszystkie
Scandi BrandsWszystkie


What is Reboozt?

ReBoozt is our second-hand platform where you can easily and effortlessly resell previous purchases from

Why ReBoozt?

When you buy and sell used items, you help ensure that the goods do not end up in the waste stream, while they are still usable.


What is Reboozt?

ReBoozt is our second-hand platform where you can easily and effortlessly resell previous purchases from

Why ReBoozt?

When you buy and sell used items, you help ensure that the goods do not end up in the waste stream, while they are still usable.

How does ReBoozt work?

To buy or sell previously owned Boozt products, you need to be logged in to your Boozt account. Once logged in, go to "Your Profile" and then select "My Reboozt". Here you can easily choose which Boozt products you want to give new life decide the price of the item.